Exercise Requirements: High exercise requirements (daily or regular exercise of at least 3 hours)

Living conditions: In apartment


The Jack Russell Terrier is a lively and active dog. Going to buy such a puppy, prepare for long and active walks with various games and training. They are very friendly and difficult to make them aggressive. However, it is better to let children from the age of 10-12, as dogs are quite indifferent to them. And think about whether you can give this dog maximum love and affection, otherwise this terrier will feel lonely. He is wary of strangers. Avoid breeders because they will fight and quarrel – they are jealous of their territory. Early socialization of the terrier is necessary. The Jack Russell may be aggressive to other animals, especially cats. Small animals, particularly rabbits and ornamental rats, may also be harmed by him. The Jack Russell Terrier is tough, hardy, and reliable looking. They are sociable and have an inquisitive nature. The Jack Russell Terrier is a loving and loyal breed. They are energetic, lively, and funny. They are not recommended for children under the age of eight. They do not get along with other pets. Their natural hunting instinct brings out their aggressive nature. They are very intelligent and brave. Their courage often leads them into dangerous situations that can be fatal. The Jack Russell Terrier requires tremendous human attention.


The Jack Russell Terrier is good in that it can be kept both in a country house and in an apartment. The apartment should have enough space for the release of energy. The Jack Russell requires a lot of mental and physical stimulation every day. He is not a dog that can sit at home. He needs long walks or strenuous play every day, plus a short workout. They tend to be overweight, so feeding must be handled responsibly. They need regular brushing with hard bristles. Bathing should only be done when necessary. An apartment dog will shed almost constantly, so they need to be brushed regularly with a stiff mitt. The Jack Russell Terrier does not need to be bathed often because its coat structure repels dirt. After a walk, wipe his paws and soiling areas with special cleansing cloths or a damp towel. When bathing, make sure that water does not get into the ears, dogs can be bathed once a month. Bitches should be bathed after they finish their heat. To prevent parasites, use a tick and flea repellent and carry out deworming treatments at regular intervals.


With natural feeding, most of the diet should consist of animal products (meat and milk). Only one fourth of the ration consists of oatmeal, fruit and vegetables. The ration should be varied: milk porridge, meat (preferably beef) with porridge, cottage cheese, soup or omelette, fruit and vegetable salad. Until the age of four months, the puppy is fed six times. Under no circumstances should you overfeed a puppy, even if he has a vicious appetite! He’ll start to grow tall and heavy – this can lead to problems with his legs and bones. At nine months old it’s imperative he’s switched to two meals a day.


Osteochondropathy of the femoral head (Perthes disease) in 4-10 month old puppies will show up with a limp or lameness; patella dislocation; hip dysplasia, though the risk group mostly includes large breeds, not excluding terriers;
heart disease;
hereditary defects of the sclera, vasculature, retina, optic nerve and retinal vessels – the so-called collie eye anomaly.